Diploma in Hotel Administration
12 September 2023 2023-11-22 15:59Diploma in Hotel Administration
VET by EHL - Diploma in Hotel Administration
In partnership with EHL (Lausanne)

The Luxury Hotelschool is an international luxury hotel management training school founded over 30 years ago. As the first VET by EHL (Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne) partner ein France, Luxury Hotelschool offer two years of post-bac or A-level professional training in Paris, developed by EHL, the world's leading hotel education institution. This professional diploma awarded by EHL after two years of study is an exceptional opportunity for students to add to their CVs an international qualification recognised throughout the world. This course leads to a one-year Bachelor's degree from the Luxury Hotelschool as part of the Top-Up programme, followed by a Bac +5 de niveau école de commerce, en français ou en anglais.

No. 1 in the Happy at School rankings.
An accreditation that recognises students' fulfilment and the quality of their academic experience
The Luxury Hotelschool has been working with the Palaces, the world's leading hotels and international chains ever since it was founded. They sponsor all the school's graduating classes and sign their diplomas.

Work placements of five months in luxury hotels.
The school supports students in their searches for internships.

First year
In 1st year, students are trained in the fundamentals of the luxury hotel industry.
Hotel administration
• Introduction to the Front-Office
• Housekeeping Operations
• Service Techniques
• Hygiene Theory
• laundry Operations
• IT tools
• ...
• Communication
• Behavior
• Grooming
• Codes of luxury
Second year
In the 2nd year, students are introduced to managing and developing teams, creating new concepts in hosptality, marketing and innovation, 550 hours in incultural skills...
Hotel administration
• Front-office Operations
• Excellence in customer service
• Knowledge of beverages
• Communication
• Management and budgeting
• Law applied to the hotel industry
• Introduction to marketing
• Team development
• Purchasing and storeroom
• The art of concierge service
• Reception supervision
• Creating hospitality concepts
• Introduction to intercultural issues
• Business English
• ...
Why choose the Luxury Hotelschool
Experience the world of luxury
Here are some examples of activities that are all included in the tuition fees, plus Afterwork events, a gala dinner, student association and meetings with the heads of
luxury hotels and groups.
1st and 2nd years
• Night at the Palace
• Michelin-starred restaurants
• Study trip
• Visits to Palace hotels and luxury establishments
• Cruise on the Seine

Training for excellence

How to apply
Beginning the application process
Please send us the information and documents we need to begin the application process to [email protected] or via our website www.luxuryhotelschool.fr
Selection interview
The personal interview helps us begin to understand your career aspirations and your motivation. We are looking for applicants with a sense of service, good interpersonal skills and an international outlook.
You will receive confirmation of your admission at the end of the first session scheduled for mid-January, then at the end of the subsequent sessions.