Plaza Athénée honors graduates of the LH
13 March 2024 2024-03-13 12:18Plaza Athénée honors graduates of the LH

Plaza Athénée honors graduates of the LH
The Bachelor’s and Master’s students, graduating in 2023, were gathered on March 8th in the Haute Couture salon of the Plaza Athénée Paris Hotel to receive their diplomas from Madame Laurence Bloch, Deputy General Manager of the Avenue Montaigne Palace.
“For a Palace like the Plaza Athénée, it is important to be close to a recognized school in luxury such as the Luxury Hotelschool, which trains talents in luxury hospitality. Being a godmother allows me to forge strong ties with the school and the students. This proximity is beneficial for evolving and advancing together, benefiting from a pool of talents. We must give young people the desire to choose and then embody our professions, by interacting with students, transmitting and sharing our vision, our experience, our knowledge. The Plaza Athénée and the Luxury Hotelschool share common values such as rigor, excellence, commitment, and the search for meaning in what we do,” said Laurence Bloch during the diploma ceremony.

Olivier Deveaud, General Manager of the Luxury Hotelschool, addressed the new graduates: “Receiving this diploma marks a turning point and the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Today, we celebrate your successes and achievements, and we are confident that you will continue to excel in the challenges that lie ahead. You have acquired knowledge, skills, and experiences that prepare you to face the world with confidence. I sincerely believe that the luxury experiences we have provided throughout your training will also remain in your minds. This profession is wonderful; it opens up beautiful and diverse horizons. Continue to cultivate your thirst for knowledge, strive for excellence, and contribute meaningfully to the society around you. You are now holders of knowledge, bearers of innovative ideas, and agents of change.”
The graduation ceremony of the Luxury Hotelschool Paris, under the sponsorship of the most prestigious palaces in the capital and major international chains, has become a true tradition: “The Luxury Hotelschool is the only international school specialized in luxury hotel management training. As such, since our first graduation ceremony in 1996 at the Ritz, leaders of palaces and major international chains have annually signed the school’s diplomas,” emphasizes Jean-Axel Pasdeloup, Director of the Luxury Hotelschool. “The role of sponsors is crucial as they accompany students throughout their studies, advise them, share their experience, and contribute to promoting careers in luxury hospitality.”